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Linyi Yu Heng Mechanical Chemical Co., Ltd.

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The operation steps of the acetal equipment that must be observed

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The operation steps of the acetal equipment that must be observed

Release date:2018-03-20 Author: Click:


What to do, what should not be done, or what kind of age should be done, is the law of life; although not necessarily a hundred percent to do so to live, but it will be more wonderful to live. A hot press is also the case when it is used. Since it is going to run it, then what kind of time to do what kind of thing is determined, then we will come to understand the operation steps of the methacetal equipment.

1. Open the acetal power supply equipment and check whether the equipment parameters are within the prescribed limits.

Two, put the hot pressed product into the hot pressing fixture to fix it, and do not touch the hot pressed aluminum plate to prevent scalding.

Three, hands away from the hot press aluminum plate range, check no abnormal circumstances, press the hot switch to press it down.

Four, hot pressure will automatically rise after the specified time. In case of abnormal conditions, the emergency switch should be pressed quickly.

Five, hot pressing machine above or beside the switch can not pile up any debris to prevent danger.

According to the steps, it is also necessary to ensure the safety and efficiency of the operation of the methal plant.


This article URL:http://en.yuhengjixie.cn/news/395.html

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