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Linyi Yu Heng Mechanical Chemical Co., Ltd.

Contact: Chairman - Chan Hua -13905390882

Manager - Shang Jun Yu -15376910008

Contact phone: 0539-5778777

Company fax: 0539-5778717

Contact Q Q:948562665

Micro signal: 15376910008

Company mailbox: 948568665@qq.com

Company website: www.yuhengjixie.cn

Address: Xinqiao Town, Lanshan District, Linyi, Shandong

Manufacturers of methacetal equipment

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Manufacturers of methacetal equipment

  • category:Chemical equipment

  • The number of clicks:
  • Release date:2018/05/14
  • Online inquiry
Detailed description



Methacetals are widely used, and methal can be used in cosmetics, medicines, household products, industrial automotive products, insecticides, leather polish, cleaning agents, rubber industry, paint, ink and other products. Therefore, once the prices of these industries or products change, then the price of methal will fluctuate.

The changes in the price of methal will also be affected by the provisions of the relevant state departments. However, methal production will generally be supported by the relevant departments, so this factor will only increase the price of methacetal and do not allow the price of methal to fall.

In fact, in addition to these factors, the price of methal can be affected, such as weather and temperature changes can affect the price of methal. If you also know that other factors that can affect other factors in the manufacture of acetal equipment, we hope to communicate with you and learn from each other.

Related tags:化工设备,甲缩醛设备制造厂家价格,甲缩醛设备制造厂家批发

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