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Linyi Yu Heng Mechanical Chemical Co., Ltd.

Contact: Chairman - Chan Hua -13905390882

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Linyi tail gas processor manufacturer

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Linyi tail gas processor manufacturer

  • category:Chemical equipment

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  • Release date:2018/05/14
  • Online inquiry
Detailed description



Atmospheric environment is the space for us to survive. If air pollution is more and more serious, it will have great impact on our survival. In order to save air quality, industrial waste gas treatment equipment is widely used to purify toxic gases in the air. So the problem is coming. How can the waste gas treatment equipment dispel harmful substances? Today, Linyi exhaust gas processor manufacturers solve this mystery for everyone.

First, the industrial industry can produce a variety of harmful gases, mainly hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, fluoride and so on. Long life in the high content of harmful gas environment, will cause very serious harm to human health, mainly reflected in respiratory and physiological diseases.

Two. The acid mist purification tower is a kind of waste gas treatment equipment used in industry. Its function is to remove acid mist produced during the absorption phase of sulphuric acid, and it is a magnified electric mist eliminator. The working principle is very simple. The upper part of the tower is sprinkled with alkaline absorption liquid, and the acid harmful gas and spray liquid in the lower part of the tower are reversed flow, and the new type of high efficient low resistance filler and perforated plate set in the tower can be used to adsorb small molecules of acid fog with the attraction of the electric field.

Three, everyone knows that one of the sources of air pollution at present is industrial waste gas, and the waste gas treatment equipment can purify the harmful gases in the industrial waste gas and redischarge harmless gases to make the atmosphere clean. Although this kind of waste gas treatment equipment is not widely used in industry at present, it is believed that under the government's vigorous implementation and support, the construction of environmental protection industry will become stronger and stronger, and the environmental protection equipment will be more widely used.

Related tags:化工设备,临沂尾气处理器厂家价格,临沂尾气处理器厂家批发

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