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Linyi Yu Heng Mechanical Chemical Co., Ltd.

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What is the complete set of formaldehyde complete equipment in addition to formaldehyde?

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What is the complete set of formaldehyde complete equipment in addition to formaldehyde?

Release date:2018-03-26 Author: Click:


1, adhere to the indoor air circulation; adhere to the home cleaning dry, to prevent the use of volatile organic pollutants in peacetime supplies, the best in the home do not smoke, kitchen cooking food use exhaust smoke machine. Pets should be cut down and carpet should be extensively covered at home to avoid allergies. The release period of formaldehyde in plates is three to fifteen years, not through green plants or windowing. Therefore, removing formaldehyde from all kinds of artificial boards is the key to solve the pollution problem of decoration, and is also a real and useful method.

2, now, there are some equipment and skills for purifying formaldehyde in indoor air, which can be selected according to their indoor air pollution. Physical adsorption skills are in addition to formaldehyde. It is mainly a variety of air purifier. In China, some manufacturers have produced a complete set of formaldehyde equipment for purifier, but most manufacturers are still producing mechanical filtration, ozone and air negative ion generator. This kind of commodities mainly adsorb suspended solids in the air, and also have a certain adsorption effect on indoor formaldehyde and other pollutants.

3, air purifier: there is a certain adsorption effect on indoor formaldehyde and other pollutants.

4, harmful gas absorber, household adsorption treasure: can be indoor formaldehyde and other harmful gases for catalytic differentiation.

5, deodorant and formaldehyde capture agent: in the decoration works, you can reduce the free formaldehyde in wood-based panels. Everyone in the use of the method is in the indoor air spray formaldehyde eradicating agent or formaldehyde capture of Ji'nan formaldehyde removal agent, maybe use some of the preparations that can be immediately eradicated odor. These methods can only remove the free formaldehyde, and can not be used to release formaldehyde from basic artificial boards. There is a kind of formaldehyde eradication method is to choose the principle of closure, direct use of the appearance of private home, with this formaldehyde eradicating agent, will have bright or bright white film in the exterior of the family, although the closure method has a successful effect, but the long-term closure will also have gaps, and can not fundamentally eliminate formaldehyde.

6, formaldehyde closing agent: brushing the panel and wood-based panel without painting to reduce the release of formaldehyde.

Principle: pure physical adsorption, no two pollution, the activated carbon mask during the SARS, the filter box of the gas mask, the activated carbon filter in the water purifier, and the deodorizing box in the refrigerator are all activated charcoal, and the activated charcoal taste agent is the same.


This article URL:http://en.yuhengjixie.cn/news/400.html

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