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The principle of the paraformaldehyde drying equipment is introduced by the manufacturer

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The principle of the paraformaldehyde drying equipment is introduced by the manufacturer

Release date:2018-03-07 Author: Click:

  When paraformaldehyde plant is dry, it is usually used in two stages of belt dryer, which is divided into feed section and discharge section. Due to the high moisture content and poor permeability of the material in the feed section, the material thickness is thin, the running speed is fast, and the drying temperature is high. According to the nature of materials, the temperature is generally around 120. As most of the moisture in the material is removed from the feed section, the water content of the material entering the discharge section is less than that of the material, and the material is well ventilated. Moreover, the water content of the material is mainly internal moisture, which needs a certain drying time. Therefore, the mesh Belt should be placed in a slower position and the material layer is thickened. According to the nature of the material, the drying temperature should not exceed the temperature of the material. The temperature in the dryer box has a temperature measuring point, which controls the amount of steam through the solenoid valve, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the temperature. Paraformaldehyde equipment manufacturers through two stages of drying, better play the performance of belt drier. After drying, the moisture content of the material is uniform, color, intensity, luster and other drying equipment are improved greatly.


This article URL:http://en.yuhengjixie.cn/news/384.html

Related tags:多聚甲醛设备厂家

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