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Linyi Yu Heng Mechanical Chemical Co., Ltd.

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The specific principles of plants that formaldehyde can be used to purify formaldehyde

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The specific principles of plants that formaldehyde can be used to purify formaldehyde

Release date:2018-01-10 Author: Click:

1, select plants according to indoor environmental pollution. Some plants are more effective in purifying and adsorbing some kind of harmful substances. If there are specific selection and breeding in the room, it can play a certain auxiliary pollution control effect.

2. Select plants according to the degree of indoor environmental pollution. Generally, indoor environmental pollution is slightly polluted and the pollution value is less than 1 times the national standard.

3, choose and place plants according to the different functions of the room. At night, plant respiration is strong and carbon dioxide is released. Too many plants in the bedroom are not conducive to sleep at night. Bathroom, study, living room, kitchen decoration materials, different pollutants are also different, you can choose plants with different purification functions.

4. Choose and place plants according to the size of the rooms. There is a direct relationship between the indoor environment of plant purification and the surface area of plants, so the height of the plant, the size of the crown diameter and the size of the green amount all affect the purification effect. Under normal circumstances, 10 square meters of room, 1.5 meters high plants put two basins more appropriate.

The new decoration house will have formaldehyde over the standard situation, we only need to put some formaldehyde plants in the room, formaldehyde will be absorbed, however, formaldehyde volatilization time for up to 3-15 years, so it is not possible to clean by plants, the best way is to let the indoor ventilation, it is suggested to find professional companies in the early stage to solve the process. Formaldehyde exceeding the standard is a serious problem, I hope you can pay attention to it.

Our company reminds you to pay attention to indoor formaldehyde hazards and choose the right formaldehyde removal equipment.


This article URL:http://en.yuhengjixie.cn/news/345.html

Related tags:甲醛成套设备

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